12U Catonsville Cubs Super Bowl Squares | Super Bowl Pool Site

12U Catonsville Cubs Super Bowl Squares

Created by Liz Hood at SBPS

[email protected]

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Please be advised that this website will never ask you for a credit card when reserving a square in a contest.
General Rules
Each square is $10 ($5 goes directly to the team) Randomly select a square on the grid. The numbers (score) are randomly added to the board the day of the Super Bowl.

Winner of the first three quarters and the score of the 4th quarter (not Overtime) will receive a payout of $125.00. You have 4 chances to win!

All money must be paid prior to the Super Bowl. You can pay cash to your contact, make a check payable to CYLB or Venmo @Liz_Hood.

Winner of the first three quarters and the score of the 4th quarter (not Overtime) will receive a payout of $125.00. You have 4 chances to win!
All money must be paid prior to the Super Bowl. You can pay cash to your contact, make a check payable to CYLB or Venmo @Liz_Hood.

Please make your username a recognizable name so that we know who is purchasing and let your Cubs contact know when you sign-up.
Payment Options

The commissioner has defined the cost of entry to be $10.

The commissioner has defined the following preferred payment methods for your entry fee:


Please contact the commissioner directly with any specific questions regarding this Contest, including how to pay for your entry.

What is SBPS?

SuperBowlPoolSite.com is a website for creating Squares Contests online. We are not a gambling website. We do not allow or facilitate real money transactions on the website.
