
Create a World Series Pool Fundraiser Online For Free

Great for Fundraisers, Watch Parties, Super Bowl Pools, Office Pools, and more.

200k+ free contests created since 2018

Free Online Squares Pool For The World Series

The World Series is a perfect time to create a fundraiser or pool for your team. Our contests are completely customizable. You can create them with just a click of a button and share them with friends, family and coaches.

First, create your contest! While squares contests are most commonly 10x10, baseball teams may not score that many in a single game. Our platform allows you to create a custom contest if you wish for anything from a 1x1 to 10x10 grid.

Now that you've created your pool, you simply need to send the link out to your contest to friends and family. If you're raising money for a little league team, a great approach is to require each player to sell a certain number of squares.

After your pool fills up, be sure to set your contest's numbers so everyone knows what to cheer for when the game begins. For the sake of fairness, we allow for the ability to have contest numbers drawn randomly by the system so every participant has an equal chance of winning.

Ready to get started on your World Series Pool?

How Does It Work?

Anybody can run their own online Squares Contest at SBPS. You can make it as complex as you like, or just roll with the standard classic options.


Create a Contest

Get your contest up and running in just 30 seconds.


Tweak the Settings

Tailor your contest to your needs, via dozens of available formats and options.


Invite Your Players

Share your contest digitally via email, text messaging, and across social media.


Enjoy the Fun

Follow the contest on game day to see if your numbers lead you to glory!

Individual World Series Games

If you want to create a Squares Contest for any individual game of the World Series, you can do so by clicking on the game below.

Arizona Diamondbacks
Texas Rangers

Game 1 - Friday October 27

Arizona Diamondbacks
Texas Rangers

Game 2 - Saturday October 28

Texas Rangers
Arizona Diamondbacks

Game 3 - Monday October 30

Texas Rangers
Arizona Diamondbacks

Game 4 - Tuesday October 31

Need a FUN Fundraiser Idea?

Have Fun While Raising Money for Your Cause

A Super Bowl Pool is an exciting way to raise money for your little league team or help support that important charity. For over a decade we've been proud to have helped raise money for everything from High School volleyball teams to Little League Baseball teams around the country.

Learn More
Soccer Team Fundraiser

Completely Free and Customizable Online Squares Contests

  • Comes ready to rock with the most popular features
  • Easily customize the look and feel
  • Add your complex rules to suit your the contest needs of your activity or fundrasiser

What Our
Say About Us

We use the Super Bowl Pool Site every year to raise money for our yearly team softball trip!

Robert Fox
Coach Jennifer F.
Lightning 12U Girls Softball Long Island, NY

Makes watching the game so much more fun!

Annette Black
Cindy D.
Eagles Jr. Hockey Chicago, IL

The absolute BEST way to raise money for a youth team. Believe me, I've tried them all.

Jerome Bell
Tim S.
FC Strikers 12U Dallas, TX

We use the Super Bowl Pool Site every year to raise money for our yearly team softball trip!

Robert Fox
Coach Jennifer F.
Lightning 12U Girls Softball Long Island, NY

Makes watching the game so much more fun!

Annette Black
Cindy D.
Eagles Jr. Hockey Chicago, IL

The absolute BEST way to raise money for a youth team. Believe me, I've tried them all.

Jerome Bell
Tim S.
FC Strikers 12U Dallas, TX

We use the Super Bowl Pool Site every year to raise money for our yearly team softball trip!

Robert Fox
Coach Jennifer F.
Lightning 12U Girls Softball Long Island, NY

Makes watching the game so much more fun!

Annette Black
Cindy D.
Eagles Jr. Hockey Chicago, IL

The absolute BEST way to raise money for a youth team. Believe me, I've tried them all.

Jerome Bell
Tim S.
FC Strikers 12U Dallas, TX

Get Started on Your Super Bowl 58 Pool

Super Bowl 58 is officially scheduled to kick off on Sunday, February 11th 2024 at Allegiant Stadium in Paradise, Nevada, right on the famous Las Vegas Strip. Get started on your squares contest for the biggest football game of the year.

Super Bowl 58 is officially scheduled to kick off on Sunday, February 11th 2024 at Allegiant Stadium in Paradise, Nevada, right on the famous Las Vegas Strip. Get started on your squares contest for the biggest football game of the year.
