Cowboy Football Squares Contest | Super Bowl Pool Site

Cowboy Football Squares Contest

Created by Cowboy Football at SBPS

[email protected]

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Please be advised that this website will never ask you for a credit card when reserving a square in a contest.
A Note From the Website

This Super Bowl Squares contest is a free, online game created by your commissioner.

While there are some common scoring rules across different contests, we give contest commissioners the freedom to create their own rules for their squares contest.

Whether you’re new to the concept or a seasoned squares aficionado, we've found it's best to make sure you're familiar with the specific rules of your contest, so you know exactly what to cheer for when watching the game.

Any questions you have about the rules of this contest should be directed towards your contest commissioner, whose contact information is found at the top of every page in this contest.

General Rules
Step One: Please select a box of your choice
Step Two: Enter in Your First and Last Name
Step Three: Submit Payment
Step Four: Follow us on Instagram for Updates

Instagram : canyoncowboysfootball

The pool is displayed on a 10 x 10 grid with numbers along both the top and left side of the page. The top row of numbers represents the AFC team, and the side row represents the NFC team. The numbers are not actually placed on the top and side, however, until the grid has been filled with the contestants’ names. Once filled, numbers are drawn out of a hat and placed left to right along the top of the grid, and top to bottom down the side of the grid.
After each quarter the winner will receive
$200.00 from the pot!

1st quarter $200.00

2nd Quarter $200.00

3rd quarter $200.00

4th quarter $200.00

Submit payment through
Cash Payment
Check to CHS Football Booster

Please add your player name when you submit your payment!

If you are just joining to support COWBOY FOOTBALL please submit payment through Venmo or Paypal!

Good luck Everyone !
Payment Options

The commissioner has defined the cost of entry to be $20.00.

The commissioner has defined the following preferred payment methods for your entry fee:


Please contact the commissioner directly with any specific questions regarding this Contest, including how to pay for your entry.

What is SBPS? is a website for creating Squares Contests online. We are not a gambling website. We do not allow or facilitate real money transactions on the website.
