Super Bowl LVIII | Super Bowl Pool Site

Super Bowl LVIII

Created by My Deveseleanu at SBPS

[email protected]

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Please be advised that this website will never ask you for a credit card when reserving a square in a contest.
General Rules
This is a basic 10×10 score grid with winners at each quarter. You choose squares on a grid of 100 squares. Each square costs $10 so select your squares before you pay for them. Payment details for Venmo and Paypal are listed. Once the entire grid is sold out, numbers from 0-9 will be randomly selected and filled in across the top row and left side of the grid. These numbers represent the last number digit in the score of each team. So each square will correspond to a score. Each quarter will have new assigned numbers and all 4 grids will be shared before hand.
Good luck!
We will have the different grids for each quarter which will be generated and shared before the kick-off.

First quarter - $150
Reverse score $50
Half time - $150
Reverse score $50
Third quarter - $150
Reverse score $50
FINAL - $250
Reverse score $75
Touching squares $75
(split up to 4 touching squares - no corners)

In the event of overtime, the payouts will be 50% split.
FINAL - $250 /2
Reverse score $75/2
Touching squares $75/2
PAYMENTS MUST BE MADE BY THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 2024, or your square(s) will go back up for sale. Please note that payments are NOT made through the squares website. You may make your payment of $10 per square by Venmo or PayPal.

Last 4 of my phone number is 6065
Payment Options

The commissioner has not defined the cost to enter this contest.

The commissioner has defined the following preferred payment methods for your entry fee:


Please contact the commissioner directly with any specific questions regarding this Contest, including how to pay for your entry.

What is SBPS? is a website for creating Squares Contests online. We are not a gambling website. We do not allow or facilitate real money transactions on the website.
