A Note From the Website
This Super Bowl Squares contest is a free, online game created by your commissioner.
While there are some common scoring rules across different contests, we give contest commissioners the freedom to create their own rules for their squares contest.
Whether you’re new to the concept or a seasoned squares aficionado, we've found it's best to make sure you're familiar with the specific rules of your contest, so you know exactly what to cheer for when watching the game.
Any questions you have about the rules of this contest should be directed towards your contest commissioner, whose contact information is found at the top of every page in this contest.
General Rules
Please pick your squares and send your money to our Venmo account @WestCovina-Kiwanis
PayPal at
Payment must received within 24 hours or your squares will be released.
Any unsold squares will be given to the club.
Once all squares have been sold, numbers will be drawn.

1st Quarter - $100
2nd Quarter - $300
3rd Quarter - $100
4th Quarter (Final Score) - $500
You must submit your payment to secure your square. If your payment is not received prior to to the draw of the numbers your squares will be sold to someone else. All of our payment options are listed below.
Payment Options
The commissioner has defined the cost of entry to be $20/square.
The commissioner has defined the following preferred payment methods for your entry fee:
- Paypal
- westcovinakiwanis@gmail.com
- Venmo
- @WestCovina-Kiwanis
- Google Pay
- westcovinakiwanis@gmail.com
Please contact the commissioner directly with any specific questions regarding this Contest, including how to pay for your entry.