SUPER BOWL LVIII | Super Bowl Pool Site


Created by Michelle Mannie at SBPS

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Please be advised that this website will never ask you for a credit card when reserving a square in a contest.
A Note From the Website

Below is a list of all participants currently registered for the contest, along with their usernames and the number of squares they’ve claimed.

This table is always updated in real-time. As new players join, this list automatically updates so you can track how many spots are left and see who you’re up against.

Please make sure your name and username are correct as shown below. If you need to make any changes, please click here to visit your SBPS profile page and make the necessary changes.

Note that SBPS does not reveal any private information beyond what players choose to share publicly, ensuring a secure and transparent experience for all.

Boxes Sold
Boxes Available
Player List
Name Username Box Count
Adam Masters AdamMasters8455 4
Adrian Avila AdrianAvila6929 3
Amanda Johnson AmandaJohnso1931 3
Anthony Urbina AU104 4
Brian Masters Bmasters1408 4
Brian Werner BrianWerner9613 5
Chantal Aguiar ChantalAguia5233 2
Christina Tellez ChristinaTel1422 4
Cody Macdougall CodyMacdouga4032 7
Courtney R CourtneyR4166 2
Daniel Rubio DanielRubio7797 5
Elizabeth Dominguez ElizabethDom2258 4
Fred Latu FredLatu1572 4
Jeff Hollinsworth JeffHollinsw1733 3
Josh Vallis JVallis525 3
Keith Dias KeithDias6523 3
Leticia Hernandez LeticiaHerna1767 5
Michael Mark MichaelMark5654 4
Michelle Mannie MichelleMann9309 5
Mike Nesbitt MikeNesbitt6961 4
Rich Niday RichNiday9030 5
Rick Werner RickWerner5476 11
S Reilly SReilly3111 2
Tracy Welsh TracyWelsh9502 4
What is SBPS? is a website for creating Squares Contests online. We are not a gambling website. We do not allow or facilitate real money transactions on the website.
