Austin Squares Contest
Created by Austin Harmon at SBPS
Home Chat Players Rules Winners Join the Battle Settings Go Ad Free Free ContestImportant Dates
Super Bowl 2023
Sunday Feb 11, 2024
Conference Champ.
Sunday Jan 28, 2024
Thanksgiving NFL
Thursday Nov 23, 2023
Christmas NFL
Monday Dec 25, 2023
NFL Schedule





NFL Standings
AFC East
Team | W | L | T |
Bills | 13 | 4 | 0 |
Dolphins | 8 | 9 | 0 |
Jets | 5 | 12 | 0 |
Patriots | 4 | 13 | 0 |
A Note From the Website
Below is a list of all participants currently registered for the contest, along with their usernames and the number of squares they’ve claimed.
This table is always updated in real-time. As new players join, this list automatically updates so you can track how many spots are left and see who you’re up against.
Please make sure your name and username are correct as shown below. If you need to make any changes, please click here to visit your SBPS profile page and make the necessary changes.
Note that SBPS does not reveal any private information beyond what players choose to share publicly, ensuring a secure and transparent experience for all.
Boxes Sold
Boxes Available

Player List
Name | Username | Box Count |
Andrew Varney | AndrewVarney4530 | 1 |
Anthony Stout | AnthonyStout1806 | 3 |
Austin Harmon | AustinHarmon7143 | 8 |
Brandi Redinger | BrandiReding7227 | 2 |
Brian McClure | BrianMcClure3703 | 2 |
Brian Shefcheck | BrianShefche7722 | 2 |
Brian Tanler | BrianTanler1886 | 2 |
Bud Kennedy | BudKennedy2066 | 1 |
Carlos Plascencia | CarlosPlasce6423 | 3 |
Chance Cann | ChanceCann2131 | 1 |
Charlie Kennedy | CharlieKenne4332 | 4 |
Colleen Redinger | ColleenRedin5234 | 2 |
Dana Kasecky | DanaKasecky3318 | 2 |
Daniel Leone | Danomite | 3 |
Diana Wylie | DianaWylie5861 | 3 |
Don Gallagher | DonGallagher1950 | 1 |
James Smith | JamesSmith4111 | 3 |
Jim Konvalinka | JimKonvalink8305 | 1 |
Jimmy Wagner | JimmyWagner5773 | 5 |
Kristin McCormley | KristinMcCor1698 | 2 |
Marvin narvaez | Marvinnarvae3495 | 1 |
Mary Gallagher | MaryGallaghe6226 | 2 |
Matt Fulmer | MattFulmer5161 | 4 |
Matt McLaughlin | MattMcLaughl9798 | 2 |
Melissa McGuinness | MelissaMcGui3128 | 2 |
Michael Harmon | MichaelHarmo7879 | 1 |
Michael Latimore | MichaelLatim2387 | 1 |
Mike Murafka | MikeMurafka5675 | 2 |
Milo Diaz | MiloDiaz6970 | 2 |
Pam Mannion | PamMannion4642 | 1 |
Paul Stanzaki | PaulStanzaki1931 | 3 |
Phillip Ji | phillip1116 | 2 |
Quinn Cramer | QuinnCramer3610 | 1 |
Ralph Barnett III | RBIII | 1 |
Robert Fabean | RobertFabean1596 | 2 |
Ryan Ballani | RyanBallani5494 | 1 |
Scott DaRosa | ScottDaRosa1717 | 1 |
Sonia Hirschfield | SoniaHirschf2268 | 2 |
Steven Polardi | StevenPolard5597 | 5 |
Susan Magliocco | SusanMaglioc8653 | 4 |
Tom Spendley | TomSpendley1548 | 2 |
Tommy Creek | TommyCreek1497 | 1 |
Troy Hirschhorn | TroyHirschho2639 | 3 |
Wes Hemmings | WesHemmings5410 | 1 |
William Ryan | WilliamRyan2826 | 2 |